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More Than 11 Years

DISCOVER TODAY how hiring the proven expertise at the Asia Recruitment will regain your competitive edge in the global marketplace.

Step 1


Send List Of Professions

  • Send list of professions required by our clients (through email or filling employment request form found on our website) as to identify required professions and definitions including: visas, quantities, specifications, qualifications, experiences, wages, benefits, religions, ages, and employment location).
  • Identify methods of selecting candidates for required professions: through Multimedia visual interviews such as Skype, imo or other applications or send a committee from the company to perform interviews and final selection or delegate our company to perform the said interviews through specialized consultants for the final selection.


2.1. Send required documents (required documents differ from one country to another – most important documents are):

  • Employment contract between both parties (Asia Recruitment– license no. 1275 and our clients).
  • Delegation to Asia Recruitment – license no. 1275.
  • Employment contracts for selected candidates.

2.2. Set interviews schedule after identifying selection methods either through the company’s committee to perform interviews and visual multimedia interviews (usually within 3 – 6 days).

(Press here for more information about other documents required for other Arab countries).

Step 2


Selecting Candidates

Prepare several personal resumes for applicants through our channels (previous applications, newspapers announcements – social media sites – labors unions – Vocational training institutions) then perform initial sorting as to select the most appropriate candidates.


After initial sorting and selecting appropriate candidates we prepare a schedule for final interviews that includes all procedures such as preparing interview locations and tools required to inspect the employees if required.

(Candidates that participate in the interviews are usually twice or four times the required number).

Step 3



Meeting candidates in the locations customized for the interviews.

We hold meetings with the candidates at the selected locations and according to previously identified schedule (or interview committee sent by our clients).


Selection of candidates

Professional selection of candidates in various positions according to required professions. In case presence of the interviews committee it would provide its comments of the selections.


Selection of main and backup labor.

We (or interview committee sent by our clients) select the required number of candidates who pass the professional tests in addition to backup list.


Issuing employment contracts

After selecting the appropriate candidates (or by the interview committee sent by our clients) we conclude employment contracts with selected employees and issue offer letter.

Step 4

Medical Tests

After finalizing process of selecting candidates we have to ensure health and physical fitness of selected employment through medical tests executed by a group of doctors in specialized medical centers registered at the ministry of health of the GCC and accredited by embassies of Arab countries. The tests include viral testing, comprehensive biochemistry, blood microorganisms, radiation detection, ECG, physiologic examination and body fitness.

(In case a selected employee is not fit we select another employee from the previously set list to be subject to medical tests and replace the unfit employee).

Step 5


Working Permit


After finalizing medical tests procedures we present documents required for obtaining visa for all employees who have passed the medical tests and proved to be physically fit to the concerned entity (consulate , embassy or any other authorized governmental entity) as to issue working permit according to labor and immigration laws of the country where the candidate will be traveling.  The period required to obtain the visa differs from one country to another.


Immigration and traveling approval

According to laws of the Egyptian government, travel approval is required for all employees who have received travel visa from concerned entities (to issue travel permits).

Step 6


Preparing Employees For Travel

before travel date, and after receiving the visa we have to notify the employees with working system at the concerned company and working environment, accommodation, transportation, insurance and other relevant issues in addition to working conditions at the company, applied rules and regulations, working hours and salaries.


Notify the employees with working environment through clarifying communication basics and respecting officials in addition to means of respecting other cultures and raising values of peaceful coexistence with employees of other nationalities in addition to laws that should be followed at the client’s country and consequences of violating those laws and regulations.

Step 7


Travel Arrangements

After receiving the visa and finalizing immigration and travel procedures we will book flight tickets.


We coordinate with our clients and notify them with arrival details as to arrange for receiving the employees at the airport.

Ensure through our clients arrival of the employees and receiving them at the airport.

Follow up with our clients to ensure that the employees have been employed in the professions stated in the contract.



how hiring the proven expertise at the Asia Recruitment will regain your competitive edge in the global marketplace, breakthrough your plateau, optimize your human capital, increase your global presence, streamline your HR processes, and excel beyond your competition by contacting us now.

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